
Category: Medical Negligence

Patient safety fears due to exhaustion

NHS Negligence

NHS in Kent and Medway fail to meet quality standards

A photograph of a hospital bed, to depict a hospital. Overcrowded hospitals hav ebeen blamed for a huge rise in sepsis deaths.

£20bn NHS Pledge will not Improve Healthcare

Gosport War Memorial Hospital patients died after being given painkillers

A photograph of a busy hospital corridor, taken with a slow shutter, so thee is some motion blur. This is on the same hospital mentoned in the article, as Mid Staffordshire Trust has been Fined £500,000

York’s sexual health services might have to be shared

NHS use of potentially fatal syringe system to be examined

Surgeons performing an operation, as th e number of people waiting for a hospital operation.

Number of people waiting for a hospital operation highest in ten years

A photograph of a baby holding an adult's hand/finger. Pryers solicitors help people make birth injury claims.

Lady arrested on suspicion of the murder of eight babies at the Countess of Chester Hospital

A photograph of a hospital bed, to depict a hospital. Overcrowded hospitals hav ebeen blamed for a huge rise in sepsis deaths.

Patient safety in the NHS “deeply flawed”

Delays in NHS treatment causing people to go blind

A photograph of medical equipment, with two people discussing the contents of a clipboard, n an article about women being prevented from having abortions due to charges

NHS deficit may result in deterioration of patient care

A photograph of a hospital bed being pushed down a ward, in an article about NHS treatment delays

Capita outsourcing put NHS patients at risk, says watchdog

A photograph of a doctor holding a clipboard, in an article about the A&E four hour wait time, which might be scrapped

Cancer patients denied treatment to cut NHS costs

A photograph of a doctor doing administrative work as a BBC investigation finds that GP lists are closed

Visa refusal leading to delays in patient care

’Repeated failures’ at a west London abortion clinic

A photograph of a lady having a mammogram in an article about a national breast screening programme failure

National Breast Screening Programme Failure

A photograph of a paramedic in front of an ambulance, as investigations are being undertaken in to why 111 delayed ambulances.

NHS Fail to Boost Cancer Survival Rate

Medication errors

Wrong medication keeps patient awake for three days

A hospital

Concerns Raised About Neurosurgeon, Mr El-Maghraby

Three Times More Flu Deaths than Last winter