
Category: Medical Negligence

An elderly person's hands

Improving Care in Care Homes could Reduce Strain on A&E

Hip Replacement Prosthesis Show in X-Ray

GIRFT: The Getting it Right First Time Programme

Pregnant Lady

One to One Midwives Goes Into Administration

Empty dental surgery

NHS Dentistry Crisis Leaving Millions Without Care

A photograph of a judge's gavel to accompany an article about radical reforms proposed by Sir Rupert Jackson

Further Radical Reforms Proposed by Sir Rupert Jackson

A photograph of a pregnant lady holding bump, as the NHS announce plan to expand their mental health network for new and expectant mothers

Mental Health Network For New And Expectant Mothers Expanded

Increase In NHS Wait Times Could Increase Negligence Claims

A photograph of medical equipment, with two people discussing the contents of a clipboard, n an article about women being prevented from having abortions due to charges

Women were Prevented from Having Abortions

A photograph of medical equipment, with two people discussing the contents of a clipboard, n an article about women being prevented from having abortions due to charges

Fears of Misdiagnosis Scandal at Southmead Hospital

A photograph of a busy hospital corridor, taken with a slow shutter, so thee is some motion blur. This is on the same hospital mentoned in the article, as Mid Staffordshire Trust has been Fined £500,000

NHS Cancer Treatment Waiting Times Worst on Record

Delays For Cervical Smear Test Results

A photograph of a hospital bed, to depict a hospital. Overcrowded hospitals hav ebeen blamed for a huge rise in sepsis deaths.

Overcrowding Behind “Huge” Rise in Sepsis Deaths

A photograph of a hospital bed being pushed down a ward, in an article about NHS treatment delays

Treatment Delays for Cancer Patients

A photograph of a whistle, to support an article about whistleblowing investigations.

Independent whistleblowing investigation needed

A photograph of a baby holding an adult's hand/finger. Pryers solicitors help people make birth injury claims.

Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital Trust face more claims

Inducing Labour One Week Early Could Reduce Complications

55 twin babies die every year because of NHS failings

Hip Replacement Prosthesis Show in X-Ray

Patients being blocked from accessing operations on NHS

Delays in Radiology Putting Patients at Risk

Brexit May Cause Crisis in Social Care, Research Warns