
Category: Medical Negligence

A photo showing a trolley being wheeled through Accident and Emergency to depict how A&E misdiagnosis is a serious problem.

A&E misdiagnosis leads to patient death

A photograph of a doctor doing administrative work as a BBC investigation finds that GP lists are closed

GP Lists are Closed

Are short doctor’s appointments damaging patient care?

A nurse caring for an elderly lady

Elderly people unsure how to make complaints about poor care

Experts ask Hospitals why their rates of stillbirths are so high

A photograph of a busy hospital corridor, taken with a slow shutter, so thee is some motion blur. This is on the same hospital mentoned in the article, as Mid Staffordshire Trust has been Fined £500,000

Mid Staffordshire Trust has been Fined £500,000

Two nurses have been jailed following the neglect of patients on a stroke ward in Bridgend, Wales.

Patients met with “wall of silence” after complaints of serious negligence in hospitals

Calls to improve the investigation into the 200 avoidable deaths each week in the NHS system

A person holding the red ribbon HIV and AIDS and a blood sample.

High profile case helps raise awareness after HIV testing week

Is the lack of mental health wards in York a danger to other patients?

A photograph of a young doctor holding radiographs. This is the type of dcotr who might be involved in the doctors' strikes

Junior Doctor Strike Called off, but Patients Still Suffer

Certificate of Competence for Cosmetic Surgeons Following PIP Breast Implant Scandal

The Cost of Care Homes Doesn’t Always Reflect the Quality of Care

NHS Under Pressure and Patients are Suffering

NHS Negligence

Doctor and Nurse Guilty of Manslaughter by Gross Negligence

A photograph of a paramedic in front of an ambulance, as investigations are being undertaken in to why 111 delayed ambulances.

25 Deaths are Being Investigated After 111 Service Delayed Ambulances Responses

Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2015

A&E, it’s a waiting game

Why is saying sorry so difficult for the NHS?