
Negligent Ankle Surgery

Negligent Ankle Surgery

£25,000 Settlement

Pryers successfully negotiated an out of court settlement when ankle surgery left Mrs C with a deformed foot.

Mrs C received £25,000 in compensation after an ankle replacement was performed incorrectly, with her ankle fixed at the wrong angle, tilting inwards towards her other foot.

Pryers obtained independent medical evidence from an expert Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon who confirmed that the operating surgeon had been negligent in fixing Mrs C’s ankle in the wrong position.

Over the course of the next 3 years, Mrs C had to undergo a further three surgeries to correct the surgeon’s error.

The medical negligence caused her to suffer 3 years of unnecessary pain and impaired mobility, with the pain and inconvenience
of the otherwise avoidable additional surgeries.

The case was firmly defended on behalf of the Defendant Hospital Trust and the surgeon maintained that there had been no negligence.

Although the surgeon never admitted liability, with Pryers’ expertise an out of court settlement was agreed in the sum of £25,000.

Find more information about medical negligence here

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