
Warning Signs of a Heart Attack Missed

Warning Signs of a Heart Attack Missed

£3,000 Settlement

With Pryers’ help, Mr L received compensation after a Hospital Trust failed to diagnose that he was suffering from a heart attack.

When Mr L presented to his GP with pains in his chest and arms, his GP immediately recognised the signs of a heart attack and sent him straight to Hospital.

However, on arriving at the Defendant Hospital two electrocardiograms (“ECG”) were undertaken within minutes of each other and were misreported as showing no abnormality.

Pryers found that the interpretation of the ECGs was negligent. In fact they were abnormal and Mr L should have been admitted to the Hospital, investigated further and treated for a myocardial infarction, which would have minimised the damage to his heart.

Unfortunately, despite remaining in pain, Mr L was instead reassured and sent home, with the advice to see his GP if his condition worsened.

That evening, Mr L was rushed back to the Hospital by ambulance. He heart had gone into ventricular fibrillation and he required emergency resuscitation and defibrillation. Fortunately resuscitation was successful and Mr L made a good recovery.

As a result of the Hospital’s medical negligence, Mr L did suffer avoidable and lasting cardiac damage. He received £3,000 in compensation.

Find more information about medical negligence here

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