
Lithotomy Position Caused Compartment Syndrome

Lithotomy Position Caused Compartment Syndrome

£625,000 Settlement

Pryers got James compensation, after he suffered compartment syndrome after undergoing lengthy surgery in the lithotomy position.

Bladder Repair Surgery

James underwent surgery to repair a hole in his bladder.

The operation was complicated and long, lasting about eight hours. He was placed in what is called the “lithotomy position”; this involves his legs raised in the air, for the whole of the operation.

Due to lack of blood to his lower legs and feet, James developed a condition known as compartment syndrome, causing extensive nerve damage, mainly to his right leg.

Despite several operations, James was left unable to flex his ankle, his leg is very weak, and he has burning chronic pain from the knee down. He has to use specialist footwear and can only walk short distances with the aid of a stick. James was 46 years old at the time of his surgery.

Claiming compensation for Compartment Syndrome

James instructed Pryers Solicitors to make a medical negligence claim.

His medical records showed that almost nothing had been done, during surgery, to check and maintain proper bloodflow to James’ feet. Compartment syndrome is a known risk of very long operations and anaesthetists have a variety of techniques available to prevent it occurring. None of these were used.

The NHS Trust admitted negligence and, after a detailed investigation into the extent of James’ injuries; his likely future progress; and the equipment and assistance he would need in the future; the claim was settled for £625,000.

James’ solicitor, Rob Maughan of Pryers, said “James suffered life-changing injuries as a result of the nerve and soft tissue damage to his lower left leg. They were injuries that neither he nor his family would have ever envisaged following a bladder repair. Nevertheless, he has shown tremendous resilience and is now getting on with his life, with the help of the compensation award he received.”

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