Large settlement for man after hip replacement surgery

Surgery can lead to clinical negligence claimsHere at Pryers solicitors of York we are pleased to say we’ve settled a case for a man after replacement hip surgery. This medical negligence case involved a hip replacement that went wrong on a man of 60 years.  As a result of the hip replacement, the surgeon caused the prosthesis to fracture the femur which allowed a pocket of infection to develop.  This caused the Claimant to require significant revision surgery and then for the full removal of the hip whilst the infection was cleared.  As a result of his injuries he was ill health retired from his long standing employment.  The matter proceeded against the individual’s surgeon because the treatment was private.  At the final hearing the Defendant fully conceded liability for clinical negligence and causation and the case settled with a payment reflecting his pain and suffering, his loss of earnings and also the need for him to move to single storey accommodation.  Interestingly, in this case the Defendant had offered £235,000 in settlement but at the final hearing the case settled without any evidence being given with the Defendant increasing up to £435,000 in settlement which was acceptable to the Claimant.

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